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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Colossians - Keep your Roots Deep in Christ

Colossians – Keep your Roots Deep in Christ
We will continue our Bible study of the book of Colossians, which was written by Paul, probably from his prison cell, to the Colossian Church during a difficult time.  The Colossian Christians had been infiltrated with false teachers who were telling lies and laughing at them for believing that Christ was the Son of God and Savior. 
These new Christians in Colossae love Jesus and love one another but they are becoming confused.  Paul is worried, so he prays constantly for them.  He wants to build them up in the Lord so that their faith will be strong enough to withstand Satan’s heresies and lies.  Paul writes  this letter to the Colossian church, which is God inspired.  Today we will read Colossians 2:1-10. 
Colossians 2:1-10
“I want you to know how hard I struggle for you, and for those in Laodicea, and others who have never seen me.   (2) I want you all to be strengthened and joined together with love so that you may be rich in understanding.  This leads to you knowing fully God’s secret, that is Christ Himself.  (3) In Him all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are safely kept. 
(4) I say this so that no one can fool you by arguments that seem good but are false.  (5) Though I am absent from you in my body, my heart is with you, and I am happy to see your good lives and your strong faith in Christ. 
(6) As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live in Him.  (7) Keep your roots deep in Him and have your lives built on Him.  Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught and always be thankful. 
(8) Be sure that no one leads you away with false and empty teaching that is only human, which comes from the ruling spirits of this world, and not from Christ. (9) All of God lives in Christ fully (even when Christ was on earth), (10) and you have a full and true life in Christ, who is ruler over all rulers and powers.” 
Paul, from his prison cell, wants the Colossian Christians to know that even though he has never seen them, he still loves them in Christ.  He mentions that there are several other churches, Laodicea being one, that he has never met.  But he deeply loves them too, because they are his brothers and sisters in Christ.  Scripture tells us that believers in Christ are all one Body – the body of Christ.  “For we are all baptized by one Spirit into one body…” (1 Corinthians 12:13)
 We believers are all related in Christ and God gives us a special love for one another.  Paul mentions this in verse 2, “I want you all to be strengthened and joined together with love” Our Christian faith isn’t just written beliefs.  It is a “living” faith.  A faith that is alive and receives its’ life from Christ.
 Paul begs the Colossian Christians to “continue to live in Christ”. (verse 6b) And Paul encourages them to “Keep your roots deep in Him, and have your lives built on Him. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always be thankful.”  (vs 7) Other Bible passages picture the child of God as a “tree planted by the rivers of waters” (Psalm 1) This tree’s roots reach deep into the living waters, causing the tree to “bear fruit.” Also, it’s “leaf never withers” and “whatever it does prospers.” (Psalm 1) When our “roots are deep in Him” (Jesus) as our Scripture reading says, our lives will also bear good fruit and we will be constantly watered and fed by the living waters of Christ’s Spirit.   
The “secret” in Colossians is for us to “live” in Christ.  To “keep our roots deep in Him.” Paul challenges the Colossian Christians to give their lives totally to Christ.  And that is our challenge too.   The Lord isn’t interested in having part of you or having just a lukewarm Christian.  He gave His all for you and He asks you to give your all for Him -He expects you to be hot. (Revelations 3:16) We are to give Him all our love and all our cares.  All our pains and all our problems.  And all our anger and all our bitterness too. 
We are to forgive all those who persecute us or harm others. Give them all to Him.  It isn’t our job to carry around grudges. Christ alone can and will take care and deal with these things. (Romans 12:19: Deuteronomy 32:35) He is the ultimate Judge.  (book of Revelations) In our reading of Colossians today, Paul is telling the Colossian Christians that if they will join together with love for each other, they will become richer in understanding.  And Christian love and understanding will lead them deeper into enjoying God’s secret gift –the gift of Christ Himself!  (verse 2)
Paul is saying that love is all important, isn’t he?  And then he goes on to mention the importance of giving thanks to God.  “Always be thankful” he says in verse 7 of our Scripture readings today.  I have found that when I stop and thank God for the good things in my life, it always changes my attitude.  I can start out irritated and upset, but then when I stop and start praising and thanking God for all the good things He has given us, soon a peace and joy come over me.  All through Scripture, as well as in Colossians, we are reminded of these two things, to love one another and to be thankful to God. They make such a difference! 
  Paul goes on saying that “In Him (Christ) all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are safely kept.” (verse 3) Jesus is all we will ever need.  Paul keeps coming back to the same theme: Christ is enough.  There is no higher truth.  No other source of fulfillment.  Only in Christ do we find the answers that our souls crave.  The search for satisfaction ends at the feet of Christ.  And our Scripture lesson today in Colossians ends with: “And you have a full and true life in Christ, who is ruler over all rulers and powers.” (verse 10)
Many of the ideas in this blog were taken from Max Lucado’s book “Colossians and Philemon”, and “The Wiersbe Bible Study Series.”




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